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Search results

  1. T

    1987 D6H hydraulics getting hot and all the gauges don't work

    Sounds like the pump is drawing air. Check all the hoses, clips and connections on the suction side of the pump. When you are happy that the pump is not drawing air, check the system with a thermal heat gun. It should be pretty easy to pin point the source of the heat.
  2. T

    Injector trim files. please help

    The trim codes help with emission control, and also balance out microscopic differences between the injectors to make them all function in exactly the same manor. This is based on the theory that no 2 are identical. The codes make tiny adjustments to compensate for the small tolerances when they...
  3. T

    Injector trim files. please help

    Yea, worked for a mining contractor. I honestly wouldn't stress about the codes in a c7
  4. T

    Injector trim files. please help

    Why did the discs containing the files not come with the injectors ? As said, forget about them in Ghana. The machine will run just fine without them. What part of Ghana are you in ? Not been there in 4 years.
  5. T

    Injector trim files. please help

    Is there a particular reason why you need the codes ? The engine will run perfectly well without them.
  6. T

    D10 t prob

    erm, with out any pressure readings I'm not too sure what you are going to achieve. BUT, it sounds like the PCO solenoid. Going by what you have said that is where I would start
  7. T

    Caterpillar 955L Engine Rebuild delema

    Metal filings in the pick up pipe ! First I saw of this in the story. That kinda changes everything. You can't really consider a patch up job, or any other kind of repair to this block unless you are 100% certain where the filings came from. The damage shown in the pics would creat chunks, not...
  8. T

    Cat 345bl weak/slow

    Hi there, are the controls any heavier than normal ? I would check the regeneration valve. If it is really bad it will cause high pilot pressure which will make the levers heavy.
  9. T

    D5M Transmission Output Speed Sensor

    If you have access to a small forklift you can pull the trans out in a few hours, change both sensors, check the internal harness and slip it back in. Be done in less than a day for a novice. Once you remove the draw bar, belly plate, half shafts and main drive shaft it's a pretty easy job...
  10. T

    Caterpillar 955L Engine Rebuild delema

    There is nothing holding the liner other than o ring seals and corrision. Use someting like a piece of brass or aluminum and drive it out from the bottom upwards
  11. T

    Caterpillar 955L Engine Rebuild delema

    If you put the crank in the block, install all the main bearings and torque them in steps while turning the crank you will know if it is bent. ie torqe all mains to 30 lb/ft and turn the shaft, then 50 and turn the shaft. If the shaft is bent you will at some point feel the tight spot.
  12. T

    Caterpillar 955L Engine Rebuild delema

    A hydro lock is when the piston is on it's way up on the compresion stroke, and there is a fluid blocking its passage ie fuel, coolant or oil As both valves are closed the fluid has no place to go, something has to give. Normally the con rod.
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    Wondering why it jumps out of gear.

    That's only the 789's. We have 785's too. You would be amazed how few of us keep them alive.
  14. T

    Wondering why it jumps out of gear.

    Hi there, we run around 140 of those trucks. We have never had this happen. Can you forward the serial number of the engine that failed ?
  15. T

    new dozer tracks

    I would expect 4500 ish hours out of Berco
  16. T

    Cummins QSX15 Smoking

    I am at a mine camp at the minute, will be 2 weeks before I get back home. I can post the serial number then. Thanks
  17. T

    Cummins QSX15 Smoking

    Thanks for the input, I replaced all the rubber lines in the intake system last year when I fitted the new intercooler. Iam going to contact cummins to see if there are any software updates for the engine.
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    Cummins QSX15 Smoking

    It's either hard plastic or steel
  19. T

    Cummins QSX15 Smoking

    Hi there, when engine is at operating temp
  20. T

    Cummins QSX15 Smoking

    As stated earlier in the post I have done all the injector checks that Insite will allow. ( I think Insite should be renamed In sh**e) There are no duration figures, just on and off. I have checked through them with a small load on the engine and have replaced the weakest. I like your...