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  1. Columbo

    What happened to all the psychic posts?

    So you’re the reason my breaker bar will be forever missing… o_O
  2. Columbo

    What happened to all the psychic posts?

    Mods here do a great job, hope the psychic doesn’t put a hex on them…
  3. Columbo

    What happened to all the psychic posts?

    I came back to see if I could message the psychic that has been spamming the board. Rather than a curse on my ex-wife I was hoping they could help me find my 10mm socket and the Williams 3/4” breaker bar that I lost, but the mods had banished them already….
  4. Columbo

    2009 Bobcat E60

    Bridge looks great! And trail conditions aren’t too bad either! More snow on the way
  5. Columbo

    2018 Mecalac 6MCR

    Nice snow bucket!
  6. Columbo

    Overload of the Day

    News channel this morning reported that the excavator was left parked on the ice overnight, owner came back Friday morning to find it with the fishes…
  7. Columbo

    Overload of the Day

    Does this count? Ice was clearly overloaded…. Happened about an hour from me earlier today. No fatalities from what I heard. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1138396431409031&vanity=100057160552062
  8. Columbo

    2009 Bobcat E60

    Clever idea! Make up a jig and bang out a couple dozen when the weather is crappy outside?
  9. Columbo

    Fuel Tank Nozzle No-No's

    Paintball barrel socks/covers make an easy and cheap cover for transfer tank nozzles. That is what I have on the nozzle in my truck bed tank. Wrap the excess shock cord around the nozzle holder a few times and the nozzle won’t bounce out, either. Something like this:
  10. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    Just gravel for now.
  11. Columbo

    Manual fuel transfer pump with filter?

    Thank you!
  12. Columbo

    Overload of the Day

    The chunks of firewood for wheel chocks is a nice touch!
  13. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    Pics, as promised.
  14. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    Pics coming tomorrow, but the advice to rent the single drum roller was spot on! There’s no way I would have done this productively any other way. I compacted the 3” minus base this morning and then spread 75 yards of hardpack. Rolled that in too and got the roller back to the rental yard before...
  15. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    That’s a valid point. For those curious, the rental outfit is 45mins away and it’s $570 for the daily rental fee….
  16. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    Not many concrete drives around here, the freeze/ thaw and use of salt in the winter really kills them. The expensive houses or suburban ones have asphalt driveways. I’d like to possibly pave the apron in front of the garage someday but for now it will just be stone. I run studded chains during...
  17. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    Sounds like the voice of experience is pretty clear- get the single drum rubber tire roller. I called the rental yard and I will pick it up later this week. Thanks to all who offered advice, I’ll keep this updated with before and after pictures.
  18. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    It’s pretty steep near the top, but I’m unsure what the exact grade is. And yes, around here “hardpack” is crushed stone mixed with fines. It’s available in 3/4” or 1.5”, I’m planning on the 1.5” given the slope.
  19. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    Thanks for the info! I have a 14k tilt equipment trailer or I can pay to have it delivered.
  20. Columbo

    Roller for hardpack driveway

    I’m going finish out the driveway at my house project this weekend with a 4” layer of hardpack. Currently, the sub base is a 8”-12” layer of 3” minus crushed gravel. I plan on renting a vibrating roller to compact everything, but, I’ve never used a roller before. My options from the rental yard...