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Search results

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    Gooseneck vs Pintle Hitch

    The old Mack 237's pulled pretty good. Just need to cap off that silly airline going to the injection pump.
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    New and Improved?

    The engine cartridge-style filters as an upgrade? I though those were gone in the 70's
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    Just some work pics

    What's with the curved I beams? Is that a house? What will the roof be? Or is it going to be a huge skylight?
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    Small Cat tilt cylinder: Take to Cat dealership or regular hydraulic shop for reseal?

    This is from Willie 59 on the ballpeen procedure. I heat cylinders for gland removal only as a last resort. Heating (expansion) and the subsequent cooling (retracting) can possibly distort the steel from it's original shape. You have an aluminum gland in a steel cylinder, dissimilar metals...
  5. O

    Solar battery tender or trickle charger recommendations?

    West marine batteries are made by Deka/East Penn. Don't buy them there as they're crazy expensive, because they're for marine use. Same battery just marked up. They do make them up to 8D.
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    Solar battery tender or trickle charger recommendations?

    Deka batteries are the best I've ever used. No matter what we put them in they lasted at least 5 years. Some lasted 8 or 9 years.
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    Antique & Vintage Trucks.

    What a collection ! Almost Too many to look at. LOL
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    To Change Lower half or not

    I agree . Put on if it runs good Great. If it won't run, it just costs you a new head gasket and your time .
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    Merry Christmas to all my HEF brethren.

    Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone has a good one.
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    This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

    Sometimes you don't have the socket or the money to purchase it. It's not the right way to do it but, I've done it many times with no issues.
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    This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

    I had an employee like that. He could get equipment to finish the day with bubble gum. Problem was when I told him to fix it correctly, he still used bubble gum.
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    This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

    Vetech so are you back working for them?
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    some work pictures

    It would be a shame to get that truck dirty .
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    My CAT 426 Project

    Simple 4 wheel drive test. Put it in 4 wheel drive and make a tight turn on dry pavement. You will feel it bind up and slow the machine of it's working.
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    This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

    They must have hired some other outside mechanic to replace you. Those knuckleheads can't do the work you were doing. Probably a blessing in disguise for you. Good luck with what ever you decide.
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    BCIII Cummins Rebuild.

    Why would we have a smile because of your bad luck? I feel bad for you.
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    BCIII Cummins Rebuild.

    This is so true!! When ever some acts like they know it all, I know they're' full of shXX . Also anyone that claims they're normal is usually a nutjob.
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    Overload of the Day

    The Buffalo NY police dept shut down their traffic division. Drivers can now do whatever they want. Unbelievable the moves I've seen. Crazy!
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    The Feds arrived unannounced yesterday,…..

    Here's a good one. NYS dot comes in to check my records etc.. We pas no problem by noon. Inspector asks if he can finish his day just using a desk for paperwork. Sure why not. Comes back from lunch wanting more paperwork to try and find something. We had it no problem. I ask him so if I didn't...
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    This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

    It would blow out the old incandescent bulbs for one thing. They were hot and the cold water would crack them.