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Search results

  1. R

    Buying guidance for a transfer tank? Need diesel on the farm in bulk

    Are you looking to haul it down the road? Or let it sit and use it from a semi-permanent location? I am pretty sure the cut off for placards is 119 gallons. I have a 105 gallon transfer tank with an electric tank and it works great. I also have a 275 gallon skid tank that sits at my place...
  2. R

    Oil and Gas industry people, what are these pipes used for?

    The 2 7/8" tubing could be what we called snubbing tubing. Once the wells area frac'd, the casing string needs to have the plugs milled out and the sand flushed to get the well producing. A Snubbing rig, would have both apply down pressure and up pressure, drills out the well bore and begins...
  3. R

    Calling the soil specialists [Engineers welcome as well]

    I should also mention I have better than a basic understanding of soils, compaction, etc., but I'm not a geo-technical engineer. If this really is a nearly $1m project, I think id want things done the correct way. Everyone is friendly till the suing starts unfortunately....
  4. R

    Calling the soil specialists [Engineers welcome as well]

    I don't think the larger rock will be an issue. Generally you want a placement thickness 2.5 times the largest nominal size of stone so if they "stack" it wont bridge off. I would be more concerned about the moisture content, the lift thickness and the overall compaction achieved before the...
  5. R

    1.75'' hitch pin

    You're welcome! happy to help out. I'm not sure about availability, I'm sure you can find something aftermarket to work?
  6. R

    1.75'' hitch pin

    found it.
  7. R

    1.75'' hitch pin

    found it.
  8. R

    Jd450 track tension spring mounts

    All of the parts were available somewhere. It sounds like a money pit and someone has hacked on it. I think i would steer clear and find one in better shape/better taken care of than this one.
  9. R

    Building a Lake

    I don't have a comment about the iron other than take someone along who knows what they are looking at and get some oil samples. I will caution you, the size of that lake is going to require a lot of paper work. I'm not sure of the regulations in Indiana either, but in PA, you enter into a...
  10. R

    Selling equipment

    sure sounds scammy.
  11. R

    Landpride PR25-72 Disassembly

    So here is where I am currently. The collar has the set screw backed all the way off but I am not entirely sure I even needed to do that. The shaft should be smooth all the way through to the gear in the drive case. There is an extra "key" in the gear that I think is a broken off bolt. I...
  12. R

    Landpride PR25-72 Disassembly

    so I have a new wrinkle, I got the snap ring out of the groove after I got the right size 90 degree pliers to remove it. There is still no movement on that shaft so I pulled off the cover on the gear case, Lo and behold there was a second "key" in the drive gear.... The OEM square key and...
  13. R

    Landpride PR25-72 Disassembly

    The bigger the better right? I have a map gas hand held torch that I am going to give a go at first. IF that doesn't work, I'll have to dig out the acetylene torch I suppose. :) Never hurts to have the phone in hand....
  14. R

    Landpride PR25-72 Disassembly

    Sounds like I need to get it good and hot and smack the collars with a BFH. Ill give that a try this weekend!
  15. R

    Landpride PR25-72 Disassembly

    Greetings all, I am currently working on replacing a seal on my Landpride PR 25-72 and I am having some trouble getting the bar out of the drive leg and idler leg. I have the set screws on the collars completely removed and I am waiting on snap ring pliers to show up in the mail to be able...
  16. R

    Moving Dead Tractor from a shipping container

    Sure can. I have a 5083E and I believe it has a similar transmission. 12x12 with Power reverser. Just slip the sticks into neutral. (range lever and gear selector)
  17. R

    Best automatic transmission for 8.3 Cummins

    Let me preface this by saying I am not a mechanic. The MD3060 in my International 4700 had a separate TCM for the tranny that was behind the back seat. What inputs does it need from the engine to work correctly since its a separate unit?
  18. R

    Cost for 25 acre lake use spoil to increase elevation

    SO some rough math just to put this in perspective...... At 10ft Depth.... 25 Acres X 43,560SF/Acre=1,089,000SF 1,089,000SF X 10FT=10,890,000CF 10,890,000CF / 27CF/CY=403,333.33 CY I don't know what your budget is but a project of this size is almost assuredly going to get into dealing...
  19. R

    Overload of the Day

    Looks like a tandem to me?