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Search results

  1. R

    Snorkel 4084 stalling

    Figured this one out. Not what I thought it would be at all so I wasn't even looking there but it ended up being the linkage for the carb throttle assembly. Runs well now.
  2. R

    Snorkel 4084 stalling

    A mechanic friend of mine and I looked at it yesterday and ran a bottle of mechanic in a bottle through it for about 5 minutes. I am going to pull the jet and look at it. My buddy seemed to think it was electrical because it seemed I was losing power when the choke was removed. Anything else I...
  3. R

    Snorkel 4084 stalling

    I will definitely look at that next. I just found that on a YouTube video late last night. Crossing my fingers. I am at my wits end. Thank you for the advice.
  4. R

    Snorkel 4084 stalling

    I have a snorkel 4084 that I purchased recently and it starts fine when choked but as soon as the choke is removed it stalls. It has a new fuel pump and it seems to have a newer carb. I have checked spark plugs, air filter, put new fuel in, adjusted the carb. Does anyone have any other ideas...