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    Wacker RT820 (new to me) Can't Get Started

    Super old post (so I apologize for the delay) that I did not see until now. I'm guessing that you have figured this out by now, but I think it might be helpful to others to post it here anyway. I have never seen a starter button that is not on the remote. The only button that I recall seeing on...

    Excavator Hydraulic Hammer Brands Differences

    BTI Teledyne breakers are what I was talking about above. This is not a brand that I would trust if buying new. If one was looking at an older, used model (one that was made by Toku, instead of whomever makes them now) it would still be a good breaker to buy (if in good condition), because there...

    John Deere 544k Rough Idle

    Am I correct in thinking that there are 3,350 hours on the loader? That is when the codes were stored (based on your photos). I have a 544J and we are having similar issues. The code number is different ("Injector Open Circuit, ECU 1076.5"), and we were experiencing rough running engine at...

    Excavator Hydraulic Hammer Brands Differences

    Well, you've taken a dive into the deep end now. I assume that you will get good support form your local Cat dealer. Regardless, you have begun and education process. Pay attention. If you are operating, you have access to more direct information than anyone, as it relates to your equipment and...

    Skid Steer Crusher Recommendations?

    You need to crush decomposed granite? What kind of rock is the "river rock"? What type of material are you trying to produce? You have a skid steer that can lift 8,000 pounds? I hate to be so stuck on the specifics of what you have posted, but in crushing, the devil is in the details. The type...

    Excavator Hydraulic Hammer Brands Differences

    You are bound to get a thousand different opinions with a question like that. Are you buying new? I know that Cat hammers have been made by other companies in the past (i.e. Rammer), but I don't know who makes them currently. I'm going to offer my opinion. I'll preface that by saying that I'm...

    Grading with (2) LR50 and RD20 at the same time

    Yes, that's the plan. We'll see how it goes. I don't believe that the RD20 and the LR50W come pre-paired, or that they would only be able to pair with the one that they came in the package with. I'm hoping that once one LR50W/RD20 combo has paired, that either of the components of other combo...

    Grading with (2) LR50 and RD20 at the same time

    I just bought an LR50 and Rd20 for use on my D5K. I'm wondering if I can use one at each end of the blade instead of just one in the middle. I'm thinking that I can grade sloped pads more accurately and faster than if only using one of them in the center of the blade. I wonder if I will be able...

    Mongo Mulcher head on a CAT 305?

    I don't have any experience with masticaters/mulchers, so I can't offer anything specific to them. I do have experience with attachments though, and I would suggest that you be sure that the 305e2 has the pressure and flow to run the attachment you are going to install. Best to be absolutely...
  10. DGODGR

    MB crusher bucket case drain question. Can't really decide if it id dumb or not.

    Did you ever figure this out? I have a BF 80 and I took the case drain line from my old 70 and am using it on the 80. As far as I recall, the 80 had the same fitting on it as the 70 did. So far, no issues. I don't run the 80 every day (I actually rent a mobile crusher for most of my crushing...
  11. DGODGR

    CASE 721F

    No responses in a week :(
  12. DGODGR

    A few projects I have done recently

    You call it "pudding", I call it "toad poo". Either way you call it, you are building "floaters" if you don't do deep foundation practices. I've been working on several houses that fit those descriptions lately. Hammering rock one day....Laying geogrid and rock for floating houses the next! That...
  13. DGODGR

    CASE 721F

    I'm looking to possibly add another loader to the fleet. I've been looking for something to leave at the crushed 3" minus pile to load trucks without having to tie up my 544J. The local Volvo dealer has found what appears to be a pretty clean (I've only seen photos) 2013 721F with just under...
  14. DGODGR

    A few projects I have done recently

    Nice to see the 325 finally on the job and earning it's keep. Be careful when playing with the trees. As I'm sure you have noticed, there are lots of fragile electrical wires, and connectors on the boom and stick. My 325 went into a machine fault Monday. Turns out that I had broken one of those...
  15. DGODGR

    compact loader vs skid steer

    "Off grid"? I haven't had time to spread my special form of disinformation on HEF for a while now (If that's what you are referring to). I've been living a very "unmanageable" life style for a while now. Trying to do more work then one can shake a stick at, and store as many acorns as I can, so...
  16. DGODGR

    A few projects I have done recently

    It's always cool to know the history of things. I'm certainly fascinated by it. Extra cool that you got to see the old photos. I'm glad that you were able to leave the tree. It's obviously old if it is a 12' diameter at 3' off the ground. Where I work, we push over 40-60' Ponderosas and I have...
  17. DGODGR

    A few projects I have done recently

    I recently got rid of all my snow removal contracts.....and absolutely LOVE not being married to the POSSIBILITY of snow.
  18. DGODGR

    compact loader vs skid steer

    I know nothing about the Giant brand, but I wonder what kind of dealer support, and parts availability they have. Regardless, I hope that you have more stuff for it to do than cart around pallets of pellets. If not, kudos to you. You've probably got more discretionary income than I do. Another...
  19. DGODGR

    A few projects I have done recently

    I have both a CAT 325 next gen (+/- 1,000 hrs), and a Deere 245G (+/- 3500 hrs). My 325 has a 48" severe duty bucket (1.6 cu. yd), quick coupler, and a progressive link thumb. The 245G is also usually run with a 48" bucket (only 1.2 cu. yds.), and also has a quick coupler and progressive link...
  20. DGODGR

    A recent job

    It seems like quite a jump from when last I checked in to this thread. IIRC you were banging rocks on customs. Now it looks like you working big commercial stuff. I've never been one to operate out of fear, but I've heard many people in this industry warn me about growing too fast. Obviously the...