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Search results

  1. O

    Coworker passed away

    Dying in your sleep is probably the best way to go but 61 is young . I want to put this in writing even though others have said it he was a friend .
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    Coworker passed away

    I got a text message that a driver Terry 61 died in his sleep Friday night Saturday morning. It was very unexpected . I know him 3 years . He was a good guy I had no complaints about him and enjoyed talking with him. He will be missed . Just hard to believe he died he seemed to be healthy .
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    Herd Bumper Guard no instructions

    Not a great picture.
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    Herd Bumper Guard no instructions

    At work the semis have Deer Guards one hit a Deer a while back and broke the guard but it saved doing any damage to the truck. The driver talked the office into letting him get a Herd Bumper Guard . We put it on yesterday . I have never messed with anything that had so poor of instructions . It...
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    Falling Scrap Iron prices

    Its a deal figuring out what to do and if its worth it to do it. My brother bought a wire stripper last month . I have it and am going to try it out. I keep thinking when I bring stuff home and unload it if I sorted it better then it would make things a lot easier in the long run but I haven't...
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    Falling Scrap Iron prices

    Its a real circus getting the best price . I separate a lot of stuff then sometimes call around but then this place that's paying more is maybe farther away. So then you have to figure is it worth it. Then should I hold on to something if the price is down ? Another deal there is a place that is...
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    Falling Scrap Iron prices

    I wonder what the fires in California will do to the scrap iron prices ?
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    Rocket scientists Rollover

    I wouldnt want my trailer to come unhooked its like the driver not taking responsibility for what he has done.
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    Memories for us old truckers

    I stopped at the store on the way home . One women in shorts i am in my insulated overalls and coat.
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    Winch on front of John deere 450g

    There are several questions that would be answered the first time it was used.
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    Single axle dump

    When they came out with CDL i thought it would be the same for every state but its not. What if you are legal in your home state and cross into another state were your not?
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    To Change Lower half or not

    I could write a very thick book on this subject. There are so many ways to think. 1 when I get it running I want the engine to be in great shape so I can work on other problems and not have to go back and work on it. 2 if the rest is totally junk I can sell the engine. 3 should I just patch the...
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    Well I screwed up big time with small generator

    Just curious for guys with a lot of fridge / freezer does power go out more in cold weather or warm weather?
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    To Change Lower half or not

    You have really ask a question ??? Good luck
  15. O

    Merry Christmas to all my HEF brethren.

    Merry Christmas Hope it goes ok for everyone.
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    Hems track pin press

    It would take a lot of thinking to spend a lot of money on a tool but thats what makes the world go round.
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    Oil and Gas industry people, what are these pipes used for?

    I like Dogs and cats but I would not like spending a bunch of hours messing with finding stuff for them to eat. My Dad had several out side cats at his farm. He was in the damaged freight business most of his life . Buying and selling stuff that had been damaged in shipping . That was...
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    Oil and Gas industry people, what are these pipes used for?

    There was a guy that had a bunch of hunting dogs . He fed them horse . He had a pickup all set up to haul them with a ramp and winch to load them. He lived in the middle of a big Amish settlement so he had a good supply . It sure seems like it would have been a lot of work?
  19. O

    This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

    I would love a job were I was the helper not the Brains . I don't mind washing parts cleaning machines changing parts . I just don't like the thinking stress part of mechanic work. To bad I don't live closer to some of you guys.
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    Memories for us old truckers

    The title says its a 1953 but its put together out of a bunch of parts. That where it has a problem the hood has gapes on each side. It should have been gone over before it was taken apart to paint.