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Search results

  1. joestewart

    Old Lull 844tt 34 questions

    So I guess you have already checked the JLG website and your manual is not there? Sorry, but the only manual I have is the one I have referenced above. I sent you the link. Good luck in finding what you need! Thanks
  2. joestewart

    Mustang 960 owners: I have your parts manual!

    Click on this link to get to the parts manual for the Mustang 960: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B9-7bn5CX9NDQ2ZZVUVKUGZaam8?resourcekey=0-VXfrzodgctSRaAhMcmJXzA
  3. joestewart

    Calling all Snorkel Experts! TB 60 Boom Lift Woes - Idle issue - Please help!

    We figured it out! Well, actually the guy we hired figured it out. He spent an hour or so testing various things on the boom lift. He went home and did some research on the computer, and even consulted by phone with some experts who were at another remote location. He concluded that the...
  4. joestewart

    Has anyone ever rebuilt the hydraulic control valve on the Mustang 960 Skid Steer?

    Yes, I am sure it is the valve. Initially, I also thought it was the linkage that was the problem, but testing has revealed that the problem lies in the control valve assembly beneath the floor board. Thank you for all the replies. I can still use the machine, but this valve problem is really...
  5. joestewart

    Has anyone ever rebuilt the hydraulic control valve on the Mustang 960 Skid Steer?

    The hydraulic control valve under the floorboard, which is operated by the foot pedals, controls the lifting of the arms and the "tilt" function. My valve is getting worse and worse with the passage of time and I have been delaying addressing the issue. When you depress the left foot pedal to...
  6. joestewart

    Mustang 960 skid steer

    Subscribed! I need to rebuild that valve also. I have been subconsciously ignoring it for the last year. Mine sticks when you try to lower the boom. I thought it was the linkage but testing has revealed that it is the control valve assembly beneath the floor board that is the problem. Needs...
  7. joestewart

    Calling all Snorkel Experts! TB 60 Boom Lift Woes - Idle issue - Please help!

    Update: We found a loose wire in the control box. The connector was so loose that the wire easily came off. We re-connected it tightly and now the machine moves in reverse again. So we are now back to trying to figure out the "idle problem". Truth be told, the "idle problem" is probably...
  8. joestewart

    Calling all Snorkel Experts! TB 60 Boom Lift Woes - Idle issue - Please help!

    Edit - Now the dang machine won't move in reverse! We moved the machine out into the sun so we could take the above photos. When we started it up and attempted to move it, we discovered that the machine will move in the forward direction, but when you move the lever on the control box to move...
  9. joestewart

    Calling all Snorkel Experts! TB 60 Boom Lift Woes - Idle issue - Please help!

    I am posting photos of the outside and inside of the control box in the basket to see if anyone has any ideas. The location of the grounds on this machine are proving difficult to find. So far, I think we have found two (2) grounding locations, both on the frame. We cleaned both and...
  10. joestewart

    Calling all Snorkel Experts! TB 60 Boom Lift Woes - Idle issue - Please help!

    This machine has a serial number of 982489 and has NONE of the options which were offered by Snorkel. Thanks
  11. joestewart

    Joy Industrial Air Compressor

    I know I'm jumping into this conversation kind of late. But I used to own a Joy D100S air compressor. I scanned the operators manual and the parts manual. Both of those manuals include the 185 model (your model, I think). Go to this link and scroll down to the Joy manuals and download away...
  12. joestewart

    Calling all Snorkel Experts! TB 60 Boom Lift Woes - Idle issue - Please help!

    Looking for a Boom Lift forum – could not find one so I thought I would post here. Attention Snorkel Experts: TB 60 Fast Idle Woes – Please help We bought this TB 60 with the Deutz diesel engine about 3 years ago. It worked fine for several months. Then we began to have “idle problems” which...
  13. joestewart

    Mustang 960: Jerky steering / intermittent right sided drive failure

    Finally got around to diagnosing and fixing this Mustang, so I thought I would post a follow up. Things move slow around here. My friend poked around and found that there are four relief valves (two on each side) on the hydrostat at the circled locations in the photos. The troubleshooting is...
  14. joestewart

    Mustang 960: Jerky steering / intermittent right sided drive failure

    I finally got around to test driving this skid steer. My friend has been using it, despite the steering woes. I found that in moving forward, this skid steer will not spin to the left - this would be counterclockwise if you were a bird looking down at it (but it CAN spin to the right). In...
  15. joestewart

    Mustang 960: Jerky steering / intermittent right sided drive failure

    This problem has developed over time and now it has gotten worse and is really starting to annoy me. This is a 1992 rubber tired Mustang 960 with the "tee handle" steering. The problem is difficult to describe. The diesel engine and hydraulic lift cylinders and controls work fine. The left...
  16. joestewart

    Vintage Lull owners: I have your service manual!

    David, go to this google page and download it for free. Good luck. Here is the link: https://sites.google.com/site/deerebrown/david-brown-info-ii/other-free-pdf-manuals https://sites.google.com/site/deerebrown/david-brown-info-ii/other-free-pdf-manuals
  17. joestewart

    Lull 844 644 Owner Operator Manual now avail on pdf

    Brandi, I confess ignorance. Hopefully someone will chime in.
  18. joestewart

    Lull 844 644 Owner Operator Manual now avail on pdf

    I posted the manual on my google site for anyone to download or view. Here is the link. The manuals are in alphabetical order. Scroll down until you see it. Click on it to view it. There will be an option to download to your computer. I hope this manual covers your machine (it may not)...
  19. joestewart

    Mustang 930 940 960 Have Manual Will email

    Greg, Navigate to my google site and download, view or print the 940 manuals for free! The Mustang manuals are about half way down the page. Let me know if you have any problems. Here is the link: https://sites.google.com/site/deerebrown/david-brown-info-ii/other-free-pdf-manuals