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Search results

  1. P

    Shoring removal

    I never seen anything other than those hammers to put them in or take them out mounted on cranes or excavators
  2. P

    Bucket bushings

    That's the truth. I know
  3. P

    Bucket bushings

    The welder has a lot to do about it I think. I had a low end sears years ago I couldn't do a thing with then years later I bought a Miller 251bobcat now it seems I'm a pro it's like night and day
  4. P

    Overload of the Day

    Sure like to see those pictures
  5. P

    Overload of the Day

    That reminds me of my uncle
  6. P

    Bucket bushings

    That would be my choice. I can easily cut a groove without cutting into the bucket. A Sawzall with a carbide or diamond blade could possibly work also for small bores. But i would have better control with a cutting wheel as WD says.
  7. P

    Hems track pin press

    I'm not that far, you can send a limo to get me. No need to send the address
  8. P

    Thought I post it

    https://www.facebook.com/share/18YmFx3Ets/?mibextid=kL3p88 I know nothing about it
  9. P

    Memories for us old truckers

    I like those pickups wish I had one
  10. P

    Lost my nephew last night

    I'm sorry to hear of your family loss.
  11. P

    Memories for us old truckers

    That's some not welcome news. Are you feeling better today?
  12. P

    Memories for us old truckers

    Oh well
  13. P

    Memories for us old truckers

    Me too
  14. P

    Cat 215 swing drive dry and one stipped mounting bolt

    The bolt part number is 6B9194. I might have to put a helicoil.
  15. P

    Cat 215 swing drive dry and one stipped mounting bolt

    A few more pictures. Follow the green wire to the swing drive mounting hole. What you see behind it is the hydraulic tank.
  16. P

    Cat 215 swing drive dry and one stipped mounting bolt

    Ok Nige let's see if I get 9t right this time.
  17. P

    Cat 215 swing drive dry and one stipped mounting bolt

    I'm doing some maintenance and found these problems. I doubt there's any threads left in the frame, bolt is smooth and pulled straight up. Now what do I do?
  18. P

    Overload of the Day

    Tag on truck looks like 550 but don't 550s have 10 lugs?
  19. P

    Cat 215 hydraulic leak

    I have a hydraulic leak between the cab and the engine/ hydraulic compartment. The hoses for the joy stick connect right behind the cab and one is leaking, I can't get a wrench in there. I was looking to see if there was a petcock on the bottom of the tank to shut off the hydraulic so i can get...
  20. P

    Mom passed away this morning

    Sounds like a wonderful mother, sorry for your loss.