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  1. S

    Site issues

    Yair Well after nearly three and a half thousand posts I have had it with this site . . . It seems the designers have decided I don't need to format posts( and use bold and colour and quotes) and I still cannot access some posts until I put up a post (xxxx) of my own. And, to top things off...
  2. S

    Another pressure pipe discussion...

    Yair . . . Dunno digger but at the golf course I don't think I was ever able to cut three inch without binding. Standard procedure was to do three or four cuts close together from each side to ease the pressure and then trim the ends one the cut was completed. I used a coupling that could...
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    Autonomous Dozers

    Yair . . . And these rip Cats are going to work the grain of the rock and set out their slots and what all eh? . . . or is so that in the this brave new world all the stuff we've learnt doesn't matter? Cheers.
  4. S

    Smokey in seattle today

    Yair . . . Bloody hell! I always associate that part of your country with lots of rain. Cheers
  5. S

    Manual tilt to dual hydraulic tilt conversion for 96J D5 Caterpillar

    Yair . . . It will be the best mod you ever did . . . cant help with the valveing but I have seen a cable D7 fitted with a 24volt power pack and ram. Cheers
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    Autonomous Dozers

  7. S

    Rad tanks

    Yair . . . Yes mate, Aluminum and copper at dissimilar metals and in a moist environment can (and do) react. Cheers.
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    Rad tanks

    Yair . . . 316 stainless would obviously be best but I have made tanks from brass and/or copper sheet. You need to make patterns and plan tabs and overlaps and they can be assembled with just soft solder. Depending on hole spacing on the core you may need heavier clamp or backing strips. A...
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    Chinese rotary crusher bucket

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    Wrecking Ball

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    Oil change interval

    Yair . . . . Gotcha fellers. Using Windows 10, latest version. oil changed and lubed and boost pressures checked just last week . . . they reckon it's working fine. It's annoying that this site used to be the best I ever visited and now I have these (admittedly minor) but annoying issues...
  12. S

    Oil change interval

    Yair . . . For the Mods (if they see this) my #6 post went up along with #4 and #5 . . . still no original post of mine. There is a banner telling me there are more posts to display
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    Wrecking Ball

    Yair . . . . Guday farmerlund. I don't have time to look around but I recall there was a thread a few years back with an extensive discussion about wrecking balls size and shape and what all . . . it might pop up a search. Cheers.
  14. S

    Oil change interval

    Yair . . . For the Mods (if they see this) my #6 post went up along with #4 and #5 . . . still no original post of mine. There is a banner telling me there are more posts to display . . . I hit it and the page refreshed showing all posts including #2 and #3. It all seems pretty convoluted...
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    Oil change interval

    Yair . . . okay folks this is getting old, I replied to this thread earlier today and when checking back on the site I see D6c10K has made another post. I open the thread and all I see is the original post I replied to . . . the earlier post of mine and presumably D6c10K's reply do not show...
  16. S

    Oil change interval

    Dunno mate things may have have changed with oils and such but around here there's a big oil change day at Christmas and all my old stuff (petrol or diesel) gets changed if it needs it or not. Like that's tractors, air compressors, tillers and what all that do a few hours as needed, the mower...
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    Track reconnection

    Yair . . . Gotcha mitch504. For some reason I sometimes open the site, click on new posts and I will see one of the regulars have responded to a thread. I click on the thread and the post does not appear until I post again so I Just put in the xxxx (it's our Aussie beer) and the posts tumble...
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    Track reconnection

  19. S

    Track reconnection

    Yair . . . . Crikey John C. I'm not quite with you there? Cheers.
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    Vehicles With No Electrical System

    Slightly O/T but I used to know a fencing/yard building contractor who disliked "modern trucks" with electric starters and batteries. He reckoned they were unreliable in the bush and much preferred his magneto ignition Inters . . . I was just a big lump of a lout probably back in '57 or '58...