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Search results

  1. chris pochari

    Cool demolition software

    Pretty awesome
  2. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    Don't know much about Kansas, here in north Cali they have it down to a science, at least the competent builders do!
  3. chris pochari

    Importing truck from the UK

    Some of these trucks are quite interesting, it's really just an idea tho, most likely won't happen.
  4. chris pochari

    Importing truck from the UK

    this is probably a dumb question but here goes. I'm looking at a hooklift truck in the UK, my questions are #1 Are U.S and UK emission standards different, if so will it be possible to make this truck compliant with U.S emission regulation. #2 It's a right hand drive truck, is that going to be...
  5. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    and that's C&D, i've heard stories of guys who own roll off companies and haul solid waste and dump it on their land!
  6. chris pochari

    Hitachi EX200 Life?

    stupid me!
  7. chris pochari

    Hitachi EX200 Life?

    I meant lower hour lol you can't edit on this damn forum!
  8. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    From personal experience in residential home building (high end) bid prices are pretty consistent.
  9. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    Yeah but I'm getting the feeling residential bidding is more accurate and consistent.
  10. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    I guess it's a bit of an eye opener for us lowly residential guys to get a glimpse of the commercial world:)
  11. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    Residential construction (homebuilding) we don't get to use much equipment, biggest machine is a nail gun!!! about the case studies what are you asking? sorry for the confusion:)
  12. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    You still haven't stated what your background is? Residential building: but interested in working in demolition. Yours?
  13. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    I was saying that 50k is nothing in the equipment rental business. One would need significantly more to start an equipment rental business. My neighbors brother is a demolition contractor and make a lot of money, he started his business at 21 with $100,000 from his dad and now he has 4+ mil in...
  14. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    Guys! Listen, 50k can be a big or small sum it's all relative to what you plan on doing, if want to start a landscaping business 50k is plenty, equipment rental it won't even pay the mechanics salary for 1 year. I think there is a misunderstanding here, All I was trying to say before Crane...
  15. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    Wayne Huizenga started WM with 5000k in 1967 which is 40k in 2017
  16. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    How is this relevant to equipment rental?
  17. chris pochari

    Starting an equipment rental business

    I'm not the one starting the equipment rental business it's Brute
  18. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    The other thing with demolition is there is less research and studying done on the topic, you have a lot of textbooks and college programs focused on construction estimating but none on demolition. I was interested in Purdue's program on demolition and I emailed the professor and ask what...
  19. chris pochari

    Who is seeing youth entering our world?

    Not that many kids are getting degrees in software engineering, it requires an IQ 130+ most get degrees in soft areas like political science or gender studies. If my IQ was that high I'd definitely go into that field.
  20. chris pochari

    Why do Demo bids vary in price so much?

    residential: I do not know the bid ranges for commercial, never worked there. I guess when I enter the commercial world I'll get a rude awakening!