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Working the National 1300A


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
I never did get a handle on the people building this place, in a very small rural town, not a high dollar neighborhood by any means. They were mid 30's in age, and took forever to pay me, THAT I clearly remember! The threat of a lien works really well on heavily financed/mortgaged properties, I'm not sure on a place that was being built with cash, and don't want to find out. The lending instituion is the best friend of a contractor trying to get paid and making noises about filing a lien I've found, about a half dozen times in over 20 years. I only have gone all the way twice, the others just the threat got me paid.


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
Argon concentrators I think they called these, the work being done by a special crew all the way from Arizona. All they do is travel around the West doing gas supply work. Lot's of stainless steel and another metal I hadn't heard of, that is so expensive a few sticks on the pickup rack can cost over 30K. The tanks in back were double walled, with a vacuum between them, not active/pressurized while the work was done, I asked.IMG_20240410_082406782.jpg This all explains why an argon mix tank refill costs so much!


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Little unit in foreground is a Vaporizer, takes a liquid COLD Supplied concentrated gas that is semi liquid turns into full gas with atmospheric ambient heat, simple passive system we had on our N2 and O2 systems at the Nuke. Alloy probably Monel.
Think SS Coffee or beverage containers we have all had for work, Vacuum allows the Cold to remain COLD as no air with any heat to cause liquid boil off/heat ups of these gases or cool downs for our coffee.

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Somebody forgot to put their beams out.... :)

Its was probably the "don't block the driveway" nonsense. It always irritates me when they want you to bring in crane, counterweight truck, semi with a chiller unit, but "we need access for the customers- so you can't block anything." WELL here's a news flash, we're blocking a whole bunch of this area, because it ain't a VW we're putting in here.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Hillmann Crane in St Peters once had a Woman walk up and request the crane be moved from the sidewalk area where it was, she was totally serious as noted her Dog preferred that area to do her business and needed the crane out of its way. Old man Hillmann reflected on that as I replaced a leaking rotary joint, he snickered, 'told her to carry the dog elsewhere to make poo!"


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
I had to short jack that side to keep their driveway open for their own trucks, only after I asked what the vaporizers (you got it right DMILLER, monel also) weighed, not much. Everytime I do so, short jack one side, I appreciate not having the A frame types like on my previous 3 BTC boom trucks. I have a shed move Monday morning, on a 2 lane road, I'll block one lane only, making the lift shortjacked directly over the rear (18' radius from the road, just over their backyard fence) possible, otherwise I'd be picking a 8'x16' shed from a 66' radius, doable, but I'd be set up on a steep narrow driveway with my pads on their lawn, and swinging the shed over the house. I'll do that if I have to but with that nice level city street right there....., I suppose I should get permission from the city, but I've found flagging with the proper official looking traffic stands and putting my flashers on pretty much lets me briefly park where I want, 30 mph limit on the street, wide shoulder, good viz, and I'll have my spreader bar rigged, pads on, should take 15 minutes max.
Late yesterday I get a hurryup call to unload a excavator's 24 K counterweight, no problem I told them BUT I have to be right close to the trailer, simply lift it up and hold while the truck pulls away, and set it right down. That'll work they said. I get there, rig my 15 ton load block, and the guy on the phone, the trucker and I all agree on where to set up, we rig it, and just as I'm starting to winch up, a front office guy comes out and says "actually, we need it on that loading dock" and that's about 45' away and not going to happen, classic! The trucker and I looked at each other, disgustingly, it being 5:00 FIMG_20240426_155825190.jpgriday by then, the two Kamatsu guys talked it over some more, and I ended up setting it down as originally told, all good.

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
I got curious, so I've got a camera/ display set up on the way. I'll let you know how it works. The camera's are magnetic mount, solar panel and batteries, supposedly go to sleep when you shut off the main monitor. We'll see....


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
One thing to watch for...., I think I mentioned before that once when working totally blind, watching a sheeted gable move towards the end wall, everything going good, my boom bottom contacted the framing on a 2 story home, didn't even scratch the paint luckily. It's a bit of a learning curve on how to divide your attention between the LMI, the monitor, and looking out the window as usual! Getting your visual cues from the screen rather than directly thru your eyeballs is the same but different, but once you get some time on it it's business as usual, but better, you can do precision work. I just did a couple HVAC jobs, for crews that know they don't need to have a guy stand at the roof edge while giving me bad directions (like telling me to extend when all I need to do is boom down more, or the opposite) it's fun to lower the hook dead nuts over the center of the units, watch them rig it, and then cable up, all without seeing anyone first hand, BUT still seeing them better but thru the screen.


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
Working for a new precast company, setting up some 7,000 pound water gates on a new irrigation project, I helped set up their equipment at their plant, run by the same big family that is also the biggest farming operation in my area, and who I bought my home 70 acres from, they have hired some good help. The delivery truck driver, asked me what I had for rigging, I told him a lot of stuff, but I was told they would supply the chain rigging, with the open hooks, to work with the pickpoints on the concrete. He said they did, but he didn't like the 45 degree or so rigging angle that resulted, the water gate opening really potentially weakened the precast. He must be an old carpenter also I thought, I totally agreed, and luckily one size of shackles I had were able to fit in the rigging notch they left, barely, and so I rigged to my 12' slings and a much less stressfull angle. I told him I could use my 20' slings to get an even better angle, but as I expected, he didn't see the need. It sure is a pleasure to work with a crew that has their act together, they are out there, and so are the other types, making me appreciate the good ones even more.IMG_20240509_101506615.jpgIMG_20240509_100834076.jpg


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
After a 15 minute drive, involving several hard turns in both directions in town, and a 6 mile run on the freeway at 60 mph, after pulling up to the job site I found the new unopened tube of grease I was looking for back in my crane shed. This may beat the time I drove clear across town, with my checkbook on the cab side step, just dumb lucky and hard to imagine they both stayed in place! The grease would have been a messy bomb if someone drove over it, doubtful it would have have caused an accident but I'm glad it stayed on my cribbing, right where I put it for a second and got side tracked by something else. IMG_20240514_081237339_HDR.jpg


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
I had 105' of stick out, first pulling an old, then setting a new 2,000 pound condenser on a supermarket roof, for a 2 man HVAC crew. The walk from my setup area to the unit took about 5 minutes, clear around the building and thru some hallways etc., then mutiple different roof heights/sections, but as the old unit didn't have built-in pick points I had to get a bit creative with the rigging and wanted to eyeball it closeup. Once I told them how we would rig it, I went back down and watched thru the camera, earlier having already lowered the hook directly over the unit, without any direct signaling on their part, (which, with just two of them and the way the roof was laid out, would have been a real hassle/impractical) which never fails to amaze a crew I haven't worked with before. I always ask, especially when they are from an out of state big city (SLC, BoiseIMG_20240606_082301250.jpg etc.) if they have worked with a camera equipped crane before in their area, and the answer is always NO.IMG_20240606_072432009.jpgIMG_20240606_072442439.jpg


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
I flew into West Yellowstone this weekend, and the tie down area was setup up for much bigger planes than mine, so my usual tie down ropes I always carry wouldn't reach. A nearby fire fighting helicopter outfit didn't have any rope I could borrow either ("when it gets windy, we just put the chopper in the hangar"), and the FBO was closed. But then I noticed a crane boom sticking up down the line, turns out they are building an addition to the terminal, so I rode my folding ebike I carry over to the keep out fence, waited for a bit of a lull, and went over to the Grove RT operator and after showing him my CCO card and business card and BS'ing a bit, told him I really needed some rope, bad, and sure enough, he had an old tag line I could use, worked out perfect!

Earlier that day, Friday, while in the air halfway there, I got a call from a trucker needing a 10K piece of drilling equipment loaded, way back in town. For once I decided to blow off work and told him I couldn't do it until Monday morning, he said he'd be there, as he had no other options and the drilling equipment manufacturer wanted to use me and no one else I was told as it was a fairly tricky pick to rig but I'd done it a few times before for them. So, Saturday morning, back in the air, cruising west, still feeling a bit guilty about passing up the work, I had to make a decision to either hang a right/
north and head up to Butte MT for a fly-in and car show, and remain overnight there as afternoon thunderstorms would make leaving no fun at all, or hang a left/south towards home. I texted him, he had no idea I was airborne, thinking maybe he was locked in for Monday, turned out that doing it in a few hours would be very much preferred, so I blew off Butte and peeled off towards home. 3.5 hrs later, still before noon, I had him loaded up and got paid in cash. The punch line is this morning, low pressure and wind has moved in, and I would have been stuck in Butte all day, so it was a win/win, not sure if that story is too much about flying and not craning but they get mixed up with me!


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
I flew into West Yellowstone this weekend, and the tie down area was setup up for much bigger planes than mine, so my usual tie down ropes I always carry wouldn't reach. A nearby fire fighting helicopter outfit didn't have any rope I could borrow either ("when it gets windy, we just put the chopper in the hangar"), and the FBO was closed. But then I noticed a crane boom sticking up down the line, turns out they are building an addition to the terminal, so I rode my folding ebike I carry over to the keep out fence, waited for a bit of a lull, and went over to the Grove RT operator and after showing him my CCO card and business card and BS'ing a bit, told him I really needed some rope, bad, and sure enough, he had an old tag line I could use, worked out perfect!

Earlier that day, Friday, while in the air halfway there, I got a call from a trucker needing a 10K piece of drilling equipment loaded, way back in town. For once I decided to blow off work and told him I couldn't do it until Monday morning, he said he'd be there, as he had no other options and the drilling equipment manufacturer wanted to use me and no one else I was told as it was a fairly tricky pick to rig but I'd done it a few times before for them. So, Saturday morning, back in the air, cruising west, still feeling a bit guilty about passing up the work, I had to make a decision to either hang a right/
north and head up to Butte MT for a fly-in and car show, and remain overnight there as afternoon thunderstorms would make leaving no fun at all, or hang a left/south towards home. I texted him, he had no idea I was airborne, thinking maybe he was locked in for Monday, turned out that doing it in a few hours would be very much preferred, so I blew off Butte and peeled off towards home. 3.5 hrs later, still before noon, I had him loaded up and got paid in cash. The punch line is this morning, low pressure and wind has moved in, and I would have been stuck in Butte all day, so it was a win/win, not sure if that story is too much about flying and not craning but they get mixed up with me!
You can add all the flying you want with me, but don't forget to say something about a crane I guess.