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Come along on two pipe wrenches

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
Nov 30, 2003
Grass Valley, Ca
I don't see a lot of hazard in that arrangement. There is not a lot of spring in the wrenches, chain, or union, if anything breaks it is just going to go slack and fall to the ground. Keep toes out from under.

I work with pipe wrenches like that and it is always done with cheater pipes, you notice the longer wrenches do not have the swell/knob at the end of the handle like the shorter ones do, it is that way for a reason. 2 guys with cheater pipes, a lot more can go wrong involving them smacking each other in the face, than that come along keeping human flesh out of range.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
North of the 60
Cargo Tanks, ULSD, RUG, Methanol, LPG
“Shake hands with danger.
Meet a guy you oughta know.
I used to laugh at safety.
Now, they call me, Three Finger Joe.”

I wonder if Jim Stringer and the AM Band are still around? Doesn’t look like his FB page ha s been updated since 17.


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2017
Will county Illinois
I've hung bucket pins off my crane in a choke sling to use as a hammer. I've reconfigured my crane block into a snatchblock to pull wrenches with single part line. At least the upside was my crane told me how much weight was "on the hook" so I could do hillbilly cyphering to come close to torque requirements. Yeah, I've done sketchy stuff.
But who among us, hasn't? Quarry guys, don't say anything. We know, we know.