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Steve Frazier
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  • The company I worked for had several different versions of those Off-Highway Macks back in the day. From M-15 up to M-65's. If that truck was a New York State truck it very well might have been one of ours!
    Steve I was taking my first look at the sister site HeavyTruckForums. and saw the pictures you posted of an old Mack quarry truck back in 2015. Did you ever get back to see that one again?

    The Cummins KT1150, now called the K19 would tell me it was an M-35.
    Hello Steve, I am reaching out to get some information on how to become a supporting member here. We are a manufacture of Severe Duty windows for Heavy Equipment and you can look us up at www.opticarmorwindows.com if you could email me some info, I would greatly appreciate it. My email is [email protected]
    Thanks Aaron
    Good day Steve. Have a strange question for you. Do you know the member koehringman? I believe he was after koehring equip at one point, I have a 866e trackhoe thought he might be interested in but can't track him down? Any help would e appreciated
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