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Millions in damages.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2009
Very interesting take, td25. But, the real deal in all of this is they are trying to claim that the current easement corridor they want to use is "treaty land", land they claim rightfully belongs to them.

Yup , the tribe thinks they own it . Nope ! :nono

Once the easement is in place the rest is a formality .

US Army Corps of Engineers will eventually approve the permit . I take my hat off to them as they seem to have bent over backwards trying to keep everyone happy on all sides .

Pipeline is goin through .


Senior Member
May 4, 2011
New Jersey
Heavy Construction Contractor
I have read that the tribal government never sent anyone to any of the public meetings beforehand to object to the pipeline. I am sure they could have had the pipeline moved away from their water supply if they had stated their concerns beforehand.

The Indians were at ALL the meetings, their "water supply" is the Missouri River, there are eight other pipelines crossing in that area, the area is a utility right of way, PRIVATE property. This is all about money, who didn't get his cut.


Senior Member
May 4, 2011
New Jersey
Heavy Construction Contractor
I really don't see any issue with the pipeline going though wherever it needs to go to move product .

This could have been a simple business deal where everyone came out on top .

My take on it is the Tribal leaders not showing up to the meetings is they actually think they own the land the pipeline is going though .

They own it to an extent until the deal gets big enough , just like the rest of us .;)

Time comes when you bend with the wind or break .

They have overplayed there hand by letting this protest go this long in my opinion .

I'm all for property rights and will side with the land owner every time .

Just don't overplay it .:cool2

NONE of the pipeline is on Indian land, it is in private property OFF the reservation.


Senior Member
May 4, 2011
New Jersey
Heavy Construction Contractor
That is until the Corp. decided to rescind the permit to go under the river, due to " unresolved issues".

The unresolved issues has big ears and will need a new home after January 20, 2017...


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2010
vining mn
This is from a tribal member that I know.

The tribe was offered some money but the leadership didn't think it was enough. The Standing Rock rez is one of the poorer rez's in the area. What I was told the offer was about 20 million so that each member of the tribe could get some cash compensation and the tribe could actually bank some of that money. My friend claims the leadership demanded over 50 million and the company refused because they really don't have to pay the tribe anything. Again this is what I was told.

My take on this is the tribal leadership is trying to play the company for more money. I believe that not only is Buffet most likely funding this but federal government inaction is due to someone with great power paying Buffet back for past support. Same reason the Keystone project is still on hold. Although it's supposed to move oil out of Canada the ND oil patch will also be able to ship some oil through it once completed.

If what I was told is true the tribe needs the money. 20 mil is way better than nothing!

As far as the young woman who was injured: The description of her arm being shredded indicated shrapnel wounds. A concussion grenade doesn't produce shrapnel. In fact the cops don't use concussion grenades and haven't in some time. They are too powerful for use on civilian targets. What they use are "flash bangs" They produce a blinding flash of light and low concussion to disorient a bad guy. Neither an older concussion grenade or modern flash bang are very effective outside. They are meant to use in enclosed areas. If a flash bang was to go off on you it would hurt and you would have some burns but that's it, no shredded flesh. So if she was messing with a propane tank converted to use as a bomb she is no longer a protester but now a terrorist by definition of law! I did see in the news that one woman from CO who was arrested at the protest was in possession of either a gun or ammo. She is a convicted felon and is being held for "felon in possession". So you have a terrorist with a bum arm and a felon in possession as part of these protestors. I smell trouble brewing! I did hear today that they may be activating the ND National Guard. Hope they don't get sent out there with empty rifles.



Senior Member
Nov 22, 2014
North Dakota
Farmer/ excavator
Some of the Guard has been there for a couple of months already. I have a friend that has been there twice. He is a MP. They called up a large number that headed out Monday.

PJ The Kid

Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2016
my understanding, is many of the protesters are from out of state, funded by warren buffet, who owns burlington northern railroad, which carries the lion's share of the crude out of the bakken.

more pipelines, less trains.

He's not the only one, all around the country, there are entities funding "protests" such as George Sorros, Warren Buffet, etc. Heck, there's been craigslist add for rioters for hire.


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2009
Personally I doubt it's Buffet, or anyone connected with Berkshire, but definitely some billionaire or group. YMMV


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2007
This is all about money, who didn't get his cut.

Yes, I agree. That's kind of what I meant when I said that they had not addressed it beforehand. An actual environmental dispute probably could have been worked out in the planning stages.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2007
Personally I doubt it's Buffet, or anyone connected with Berkshire, but definitely some billionaire or group. YMMV

Yep, probably not Buffet. He has enough money that he could invest in the pipeline and make money off of it, it's no skin off his nose. I'm thinking it's environmentalists. And also third-party politicians desperate for attention.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2013
Alberta Canada
Here is a little more that you aren't going to hear by the mainstream media. I listen to quite a little AM radio. There have been a couple instances where they have local citizens call in for a morning or afternoon. Some of the stories can really put into perspective how patient and understanding the local populace and law enforcement have been. People can't leave their farms because they are afraid, either of what will/could happen while they are gone, or what happens when they are stopped by these so-called protestors on the roads. They surround the vehicles, yelling, screaming, threatening to break windows and slash tires, take pictures if their license plates, etc. The school buses have been pulled at times so their children can't get to school. The hired help has quit, either not willing to put up with the B.S. of trying to get to work, or actually fearful if their safety. Many ranchers have all of their hay left to bring home, and others can't get their grain to market. It really is kind of surprising that someone hasn't gotten killed. If this happened anywhere else, it might be totally different.

I can't find it now, but I read an article about farmers having livestock chased, and killed. Fences cut faster than they can fix them. The thing is that they were talking to a Buffalo farmer. I farm, and have livestock, and I have a neighbour who has Buffalo. Beef cattle will mess you up pretty bad when they are spooked, or if you get between a cow and her calf, things can go bad for you in a hurry. Buffalo on the other hand They will kill you. There isn't a game fence made that will stop an adult buffalo. If they want to be on the other side of a fence, they will be on the other side of the fence. The neighbour tells me that the only thing that will keep a buffalo in is a cement fence 12 feet high. Best thing is to keep them happy with good feed and water and as long as they are content, they will stay put. But don't go in the pen on foot, on a horse or on a quad, They will run you down and it will be very painful when they catch you. Truck or tractor, and don't get out when you move them around.

What are the trespass laws like down there?

Are there any Dairy, or Hog operations near by? They could do like the europeans do and spread manure on them. The liquid is the worse. It would be difficult with the freezing temps. Wet bedding from a dairy barn or chicken barn would work as well. Its not going to hurt anyone, just make there life a little more miserable. Freezing cold, smells like s*** sounds like a good time. I'll add a video so you can see what I mean.


my understanding, is many of the protesters are from out of state, funded by warren buffet, who owns burlington northern railroad, which carries the lion's share of the crude out of the bakken.

more pipelines, less trains.

I'm all for a good conspiracy theory. I don't think Warren Buffet would get his hands dirty directly. But it does make sense that he'd want to keep shipping as much as possible by rail. Keep the profits going.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
So. IL.
heavy equiptment operator
Seems like indians have always got the short stick. But the pipeline is for the good of the whole country. Anyone disrupting it should be arrested,no one should have there equipment vandalized like that those people doing that are criminals and should be delt with.Why don't the veterans protect the pipeline workers and equipment?


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2011
If they could ever prove that a person hired the protesters , and these protesters had caused harm or death to others , could the person that hired them be charged in any way? They should in my opinion. Often wonder if the native Americans had held on how would things be in todays time. After reading some of these articles , it does seem the problem or root of all evil is money. I'm glad I live in a relatively calm part of the states.

PJ The Kid

Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2016
The could be charged with domestic terrorism, conspiracy, bribery in some cases, and possibly treason.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
Mother Nature is letting her hair down today. 75% of our state is shut down. Snow is 2' and more anywhere you go, roads are impassable, temps are almost to single digits, and winds are sustained at 30+ mph. And, just like we predicted, now the protestors are collectively sh**ing there pants, asking for help. The casino is out of food, the camps are out of propane, the public is being forced to set up shelters in school gyms in the area. And yet they continue to blast the local law enforcement, the national guard, the governor's office, the county road departments, and the NDDOT. When is enough, enough???


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2012
Moose Lake, MN
Retired Cons't. Supt./Hospitals
I just was listening on the radio to a cop being interviewed that has been sitting out there for 2 months with only a few days off. He said that only 8% of the protesters are from N.D. and even less are natives. Law enforcement from 6 states have sent help but he claims that many parts of N.D. are going with no or little law enforcement because of the personnel tied up at Cannonball. He also stated that the elders are telling the protesters to go home but they refuse. The biggest bunch are from CA, OR, and WA. Also a fair amount from Michigan with the rest scattered among many states. He mentioned that there are many high dollar sport utes and wagons being driven by the protesters coming in. Burning gobs of fuel does not seen to be a concern to many of these self discribed "envirionmentalists". Even if the protesters leave there is the multi million dollar drill system in place to drill under the river setting in place that will be provided 24 hr. protection from vandalism. Incidentally the closest gas station is owned by one of the tribal leaders and it remains a very busy place. He also stated, as Shimmy1 did, that there is no one going anywhere today.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
I could put up a link, but if you really want to find them, the page is right there. I absolutely LOVE the "let's get it together" comment. Maybe they should heed their own advice, no?


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