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Torn meniscus


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
NW Missouri
Torn meniscus happens every day but when you have to deal with it will make a person rethink how you do everything . My Doc told me " this is NOT a repair , we remove the piece that is causing the pain " .
That is what he did .

How I did it is just dumb . Had a busted spring on a freightliner chassis . new spring needed just a bit of lining up so I stuck my knee under it , raised with my ankle . Then shoved it the desired direction . It lined up good . But then I couldn't stand up . That thing hurt like no other . I had done this before and no ill effects but I also reached the age of 61 . Nearly spotted my bloomers when it happened . Then Like a dumb arse man I thought it would get better .. It didn't , went a month before I saw a doc . He called me a dumb arse without really saying it . MRI show a flap had folded over .

After a ton of sleepless nights and and a couple of bottles of advil they did the surgery . Walked out with a single crutch which I got rid of the next day . Doc told me there was some arthritis in that knee and there an even change of it taking off again at a much quicker pace . After 2 weeks of light duty I started easing back out into the shop to help my partner who had the whole load . The thing that hurt the most after surgery was my upper thigh . They used a fixture or tourniquet to shut of the blood flow and that thing bruised the heck out of my leg .

So what I have now is the ability to walk again but it's not without a penalty . Long days it get's achy . The old story of Grandma feeling the weather changing in her joints is true . Old Arthur has been given chance to bloom . An occasional pop or snap that is so far pain free ... And all of this could have been avoided by getting a second set of hands or a jack .

It was worse than this for a bit .
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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
NW Missouri
Age is a sad sickness to have to go through. Be careful out there.

Indeed and it's making me use more tools and extra hands . I used to pack an 8d and swing it up on a track ... Have to have help to get one on the tailgate now
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Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
I did that the first time playing tennis at 20. I stepped and pivoted on the brand new court surface. Turns out my foot did not do the pivoting!

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
I tore a piece in my late teens. I had to spend two weeks waiting for surgery, without being able to straighten or fully bend my knee, it was locked at about 30 degrees. They removed the piece arthroscopically. I will notice it if I do a long day of walking, it will get sore. When it was done, they said knee replacement was probably in my distant future.

The knee I had surgery on, actually has better range of motion than the other knee, and doesn't bother me unless I'm all day hiking or hunting, or 10 minutes shopping. It will be sore the day after.

Walking to keep the muscles strong, helps me. Do the physical therapy, it will make it heal faster, pitching the crutches was a good thing, get up and get back at it.

Hope you have a speedy recovery.