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Search results

  1. mitch504

    This Noobie Purchased a Case 580 - woops!

    580D powersteering works off the main hydraulics
  2. mitch504

    J(unk)C(ity)B(ackhoe) 1550B or 4CN parts diagrams

    Wow, I don't think I ever posted a thread with no replies before.
  3. mitch504

    Thumb for Cat 235B

    Depends what you mean by fit. A 235 is almost twice the size of a 320, so not really if you want it to be usable.
  4. mitch504

    I'm proud of my niece!

    Be sure to let us know how it goes in Texas. Also, I sure do hope that shop teacher's last name isn't prophetic.
  5. mitch504

    J(unk)C(ity)B(ackhoe) 1550B or 4CN parts diagrams

    Do any of you know of a source of JCB parts diagrams? I see many places to buy parts, but nowhere to get part numbers. A little background, my recently retired heavy equipment mechanic brother is helping my recently widowed sister keep up her 85 stall horse farm. There is a 1980s vintage JCB...
  6. mitch504

    Interesting counterbalance

    I guess it adds to the dipper lifting force
  7. mitch504

    KW updates

    What's that quote from, Spud?
  8. mitch504

    Another old TLB year built question.

    If it's the kind of valve I think it is, it's closed when all the way in.
  9. mitch504

    In search of a CAT 215B Excavator Engine (Model 3304)

    Yeah, I seriously doubt you could just switch external parts and get anything like a good result. Even if you lucked up and got something okay, I am SURE it wouldn't last.
  10. mitch504

    Small engine no back-pressure

    Talking about torque, a 350 truck engine has smaller valves than a car engine, less hp, but more torque.
  11. mitch504

    1985 international s1754

    There should be a tag on the transmission that will tell more than a pic.
  12. mitch504

    Tie rod end to steering cyl shaf loose on case 580SK backhoe

    OK, I was assuming 4wd. If it's 4wd, where the tie rod end attaches to the chrome rod is actually a slightly different type of ball joint than where it attaches to the steering knuckle. If that's where your play is, there's nothing to do but replace the tierod end, but they will run a long time.
  13. mitch504

    In search of a CAT 215B Excavator Engine (Model 3304)

    I had a 3304 in a 1978 D4e, and in a 1989 215c. They were almost different engines. The d4e was NA, PC, with a spacer plate and a scroll pump. The 215c was turbocharged, no pre-combustion chambers, and no spacer plate, and a sleeve metering pump.
  14. mitch504

    Insuring Semi Tractor for Personal Use

    If you google "power only trucking" there are many companies that specialize in providing a tractor only for one-way moves of trailers, loaded or empty. It is a lot cheaper than finding an owner-operator in your area to dead head back. I have bought trailers in Michigan, Illinois, and closer...
  15. mitch504

    Tie rod end to steering cyl shaf loose on case 580SK backhoe

    Nope, but it's not that hard or expensive to replace the ball joints, or it might just be loose 'til the rest of the machine wears out.
  16. mitch504

    Forklift / Manlift

    Now THAT is cool! Yes,yes, I know, it's not OSHA approved, and it does have the risk of "what if the cable breaks?". But honestly, most of us have gone up on a forklift, and will again, so, why not?
  17. mitch504

    Damn you, Milwaukee

    Hell, they sell Cat branded cheap chinese workboots at Walmart. Some years back, I read in Deere's annual report that they made more profit off of licensing their name for unrelated products than they did from manufacturing equipment.
  18. mitch504

    Phone & Music : hearing it in a noisy environment

    Yeah, I am like 92u, if I wear earplugs, or earbuds, it feels like my head is slowly inflating or something, ear muffs don't bother me at all. I have been using the cheapest mpow on ear headset for about 3 years. It has been great, except I would like a little more volume. I bought them to see...
  19. mitch504

    Tire orientation

    I have lots of experience with this question. Directional tires work like a ratchet. Unpowered wheels will slide MUCH easier if the directional tires are installed in the conventional direction. If the unpowered tires are installed "backwards" the unpowered wheels will keep turning much longer...
  20. mitch504

    Memories for us old truckers

    It was my weekend job when I was 12 to back the trucks and trailers in the shop one at time and check all the fluids and check every tire with a gauge and bring it up to exactly the pressure my father specified.